May 2018: Grounded in Faith

PastorPastor's Blog

Rev. Dr. Brian Bosworth

Keep Grounded in Faith

It was pouring down rain recently as I rode my motorcycle and wondered to myself how many other motorists were making some comment about how glad they were that they were not riding a motorcycle in the rain as I was. I have had those very thoughts when the shoe was on the other foot and I was dry and comfortable inside a car and I saw someone else riding a motorcycle in the rain. On this occasion however, I didn’t want anyone having sympathy on me because I was embarking on a long-awaited trip to Big Bend and at that moment I was very happy I was riding and headed to some of the most beautiful country Texas has to offer (certainly God blessed Texas).

Not only was I feeling blessed about my plans, but I also took time to thank God for the much needed rain we were receiving. Soon, the dark skies began to break apart and blue skies appeared. No more worries about bad weather. It was clear, cool, and beautiful. A real blessing.

It is a wonderful thing when our faith shines through whatever is going on in our lives. For me in the rain, I had hopes of a great bike ride even though it was wet and blowing. A challenge due to inclement weather was simply a period of time that would pass. People of faith are not exempt from times that threaten, challenge, or even hurt. At the same time, when awesome things occur, I have the choice to give God praise and glory or I can seek to show it was me or my efforts that resulted in a rewarding experience. People of faith are not exempt from the need to praise God or to seek opportunities to bring God glory.

As people of faith, we are invited to keep ourselves grounded in our faith. Certainly we do other things as well, but our faith relationship should be the most important. Everything else ought to flow from our relationship with God, including our human relationships. When we are grounded in the love of Christ, our human relationships are made stronger and more fruitful and we find ourselves thinking and behaving differently in good, as well as bad times.

Think of that the next time you see a grieving family find forgiveness in their heart when a loved one has been torn away at the hands of another person. Think of that the next time someone who is seriously ill and waiting tests results has an indescribable peace about them because those test results are a small part of a life well-lived in the faith. Think of that the next time you see the morning dawn exploding in beautiful colors or new life being brought into the world.

People of faith are not perfect, but they are in a committed relationship. It’s a relationship born out of love. God’s love for us first and then our love for God in response. Live your life as a blessing to others. Stay grounded in Christ. It’s an amazing relationship when you hope and trust!

See you in worship!