Worship +2

Megan EverittNews & Events

worship +2

   Following Jesus doesn’t happen by accident – faith takes intentionality. Rather than simply attending church or going to church, Jesus calls us to be the Church. Across our Decatur Methodist Family, we are seeking to intentionally follow in the footsteps of Jesus by engaging in worship, connecting with community, and committing to service. This Fall, we are challenging every member of our community to Worship +2.

Engage in Worship: Participate each week with one of our in-person or online worship communities.

Connect with a Small Group: Find a Growth Group, Learning Group, or “Sunday” School Class to meet with each week for intentional spiritual formation and Christian education. Groups are the places where we can truly be “known” in an intentional, Christian community.

Commit to Serve: Once a month, commit to putting your hands and feet to work for Jesus. Whether that looks like serving in worship, serving on the Care Team, or serving at the Mobile Food Pantry – commit to serve at least once a month.

   Join the Decatur Methodist Family this Fall as we consider what it means to be the Church that God has called us to be through intentional discipleship.