January 2020: Financial Peace University

Bonnie WohllebenPastor's Blog

Rev. Ricky Harrison

Take control of your money with Financial Peace University (FPU)!

This nine-lesson course uses biblical wisdom and common sense to help you tackle budgeting, pay off debt, and make your money work for you! FPU includes your member workbook and a year of free online resources through Financial Peace Membership. Join our first FPU class this Spring! Sign up in the Narthex.

Dates: January 22 – March 25
Time: Wednesday Nights, 6:15-8:00pm
Class Leaders: Lisa & Will Bosshard
Cost: $99

Testimony from Will & Lisa

To understand the HUGE change FPU made in our lives, we have to go back a few years to our beginning.  Back in 2007, whenever one of us received a raise we would figure out how to spend it; could we afford a larger car payment, or eat out a few more times a month or buy that new appliance we’d been eyeing.  We had 3 cars with 3 monthly car payments, a pool loan, a timeshare loan for vacationing, and about $35k in credit card debt.  Add it all up, and it was somewhere in the neighborhood of $95k debt excluding our mortgage.  Our giving to the church was around 2% of our income.  That same year, we were introduced to Dave Ramsey and Financial Peace University.  Dave has a unique way of explaining our relationship with money and how that relationship can interfere with all our other relationships including marriage and GOD.  He doesn’t just teach you how to look at money differently, he teaches you how to talk about it with your spouse or significant other in a productive, meaningful and healthy way.  We started seeing improvements in our financial discussions almost immediately, and talking about money was less stressful than before.  This breakthrough improved communication throughout our marriage which improved our relationship – no more arguments about money, we were on the same page.

Fast forward to 2011.  During the previous four years we followed Dave’s plan, and even retook FPU a second time for reinforcement.  We had paid off all the loans, and all the credit card debt.  We had even managed to pay for the first two years of our daughter’s College tuition without creating another debt, and were on our way to fully funding our daughter’s college for the final two years.  We had also started saving for Lisa to go back to college and finish her Bachelor’s degree.

Fast forward to 2015.  We have a fully funded Emergency Fund (6 months of living expenses), and have saved enough for Lisa to quit work, allowing her to go back to school full time and get her Bachelor’s degree, which she finished the following year in 2016.

Today the only debt we have is our mortgage.  We pay cash for everything!  We have savings for car maintenance, house maintenance, and vacations.  And today, we give 10% of our income to our church.  There’s no money stress in our house as every dollar has a name and a purpose.

Financial Peace University changed our lives, and taught us to “Live like no one else, so we can Live and Give like no one else.”