November 2019: Light in the Darkness

Bonnie WohllebenPastor's Blog

Hi Church,

The cooler weather serves as a reminder that we are approaching one of the richest and yet most stressful times of the year – the holiday season!  Activities at the church increase, holiday parties begin to show up on the already full calendar, and plans for family gatherings begin to make demands on our time.  If we add a layer of grief to this years activities, it can be overwhelming!

There is no single formula for navigating a holiday season during a time of grief.  Every person and every scenario is different.  And while the following events are scheduled with those facing a difficult year in mind, they can bring meaning to others as well.  Blue Christmas services are designed to acknowledge the darkness of loss, grief, and fear during a season of deck the halls.  The following two services are open to all people who want to seek meaning during a sad time.  I encourage you to consider attending one or both of these two events as a means adding light to your Christmas season.  Details on both events appear elsewhere in this newsletter.

The first event, Hope through the Holidays, is sponsored by Wise County Christian Counseling Center. This two hour workshop is an event filled with tips for navigating the holidays when you don’t feel much like celebrating.  It is scheduled for Monday, November 18th, 6:30 pm to 8:30 pm, at the Decatur Church of Christ.  RSVP(940-637-1618) for this event is requested so they can plan to have plenty of resources on hand.

Then on December 6 @ 6 pm, FUMC Decatur will host a Blue Christmas Service.  This is a service of hope and acknowledgement during the holiday season.  A selection of Biblical readings, responsive readings, and music will accompany the opportunity to seek light in the midst of sorrow and sadness.  This service is open to everyone and will be held at Asbury Hall in the MAC.

It’s a small offering, to be sure.  Two simple events will not fix our problems and may not even drive the pain away.  But when the darkness seems to be everywhere, it helps to spend an hour or so in the presence of the light of the world.

“The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness did not overcome it.” ~ John 1:5


See you on Sunday,
Pastor Cassie