Fall Reconnect

Bonnie WohllebenNews & Events

ReConnect with your Faith Journey this fall

The Christian journey takes some pretty interesting turns.  The path we take builds upon the journey of those who come before and impacts those who come after us.  Join us as we ReConnect with others of all ages and stages along this journey.

Jesus was a skilled storyteller who used parables from everyday life to effectively convey his message and meaning.  This DVD based Bible study takes participants back in time to understand how their original Jewish audience understood them.  With this new perspective, Cassie and Ricky will guide group participants to uncover how these ancient stories are as much about us as they were about the first century listeners.

Join us in Asbury Hall for this 9 session study beginning on September 4th. Meal starts at 5:45, studies start at 6:30.

“Short Stories by Jesus”  by Amy-Jill Levine