Faith Discussion-Methodists in Dialog: July 29, 2018

ChurchNews & Events


Human Sexuality

Sunday, July 29, 2018
5:00 p.m.

Asbury Hall in the MAC

At the end of June, we kicked off our summer series of Decatur Methodist Faith Discussions with a conversation on immigration. About 20 folks from the church and community gathered to share perspectives, experiences, questions, concerns, fears, and hopes. Gathering from a diversity of backgrounds and perspectives, we spent an incredible evening in conversation with one another about where faith and life meet in regards to immigration.

In July, we will gather again for a discussion on Human Sexuality. As with immigration, we recognize people of faith both around the world and within our own community share a diversity of perspectives, experiences, questions, concerns, fears, and hopes around this topic. Our prayer is that providing a space for intentional Christian dialogue will foster spiritual growth in all of us as we continue our journey together.

We hope you will join us. Bring your fears and hopes, questions and doubts, experiences and perspectives, all with an open heart to encounter God in the midst of our diverse community.