All-Church Birthday Bash: February 4, 2018

ChurchNews & Events

All-Church Birthday Bash!

February 4, 2018

It’s always good to celebrate birthdays, so we’re going to do that. Join us for an All-Church Birthday Bash right after the late service on February 4, 2018 in the Fellowship Hall.

Tables will be set up for each month of the year so that we can sit with old and new friends who share our birth month.

We’ll see how we connect and strengthen our church family bonds.

What can you do?
Sign up to sponsor a table. You will decorate the table in a way that relates to your birth month, and provide a birthday cake for your group. The sign-up sheet is in the Narthex.

Come to the party and bring a potluck dish to share — anything but dessert, since table sponsors will be providing cakes. Sit with your fellow birthday celebrators and get to know them better.

In the meantime, practice up on your rendition of a birthday song! See you at the Birthday Bash!